
作者:admin  发表时间:2017-11-13  浏览:123  海淘动态

10作者深圳老魏 在《亚马逊促销活动设置提醒》文中,我讲到一个卖家因为员工设置促销活动失误,而造成巨大损失的事件。文章发出后,收到多个网友的信息,他们一致的反馈是,自己也曾犯过同样的错误。促销设置错误,导致损失是必然的,如果损失在可以接受的范围之内,自然也就关系不大,可是偏偏有些卖家,在促销设置后短时间内销量暴增,导致的结果是,如果发货,将损失惨重,如果不发货,虽然眼前的损失可以避免,但后续将有可能造成账号的订单取消率等参数飙升,影响账号整体表现。那么,如果促销活动设置错误了,作为卖家该怎么做呢?结合前面文章案例中的卖家的一些后续故事,我在此对处理方式做一个整理。如果错误已经酿成,一定要采取积极主动的措施,一方面联系亚马逊客服以求得理解和支持,另一方面也要尽可能通过邮件、电话等方式联系上已下单的顾客,向顾客做出道歉和解释,争取获得顾客的理解。在联系亚马逊之后,可能会收到亚马逊客服类似下文的邮件回复:Dear Seller,I'm very sorry to hear about this. In this case I would recommend that you cancel all the effected orders.I'm afraid this might affect your cancellation rate. Hence once cancelled I would recommend that you write back to us so we could forward your email to our performance team to annotate your account.Meanwhile, you can proceed with cancelling the orders. I would recommend that you also contact each buyer informing them of the error and that you were forced to cancel the order.You can get the buyers email from an order report and email them in bulk. Here's how:Manually request an Order Report as follows:1. From the Orders tab, select Order Reports or go directly to the page: http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/transactions/orderPickup.html2. Make a selection from the Select Days drop-down and then click the Request Report button.Download completed Order Reports as follows:1. On the Orders tab, select Order Reports or go directly to the page: http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/transactions/orderPickup.html2. In the "Check Report Status & Download" section, click the Download button for the report you want.3. Your browser might prompt you to choose whether to save or open the report file. If prompted, save the file. If the file opens automatically, save the opened file to your computer using the File > Save as... command in the application that opened the file.4. You can view the downloaded report using a spreadsheet or database program such as Microsoft Excel or Access. If your browser automatically opens the report in a text editor, just save a copy (see #3 above) and then open that in a spreadsheet or database program.See this Help page for a list of Order Report fields, definitions, and examples:http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/651If you would prefer XML Order Reports, contact Seller Support and let us know; we will reconfigure your report generation settings for you. Be sure to let us know your desired frequency (every 4 or 8 hours, or once a day at a specific time) so we can set up your scheduled reports.Feel free to write back to us in case of any further questions.We look forward to hearing from you.Thank you for selling with Amazon,亚马逊客服在邮件中告知,这样的情况,你可以取消订单,但同时,亚马逊客服也表示,取消订单则有可能造成订单取消率升高,好的方面是,亚马逊客服提到,如果你选择取消订单,建议你再写邮件通知亚马逊客服,他们会把相关情况转告账号表现部门,对你的账号做一个特别的备注。当然,亚马逊客服也不忘告诉你,最好能够积极主动联系顾客说明情况争取主动。从上文邮件中可以看出,亚马逊对于此类事件的处理还是蛮人性化的,既理解卖家的难处,又做到系统内的备注,同时还给以合理的处理建议和基本的技巧方法。最近,从卖家那边获得的信息是,账号表现并没有明显的下滑,不少顾客表示理解和接受取消订单,顾客差评也没有大幅度增加,一个促销失误导致的危机看来是过去了。回头看这个事件,我觉得有几方面是非常重要的:1. 事件发生后,卖家第一时间联系了亚马逊客服,使亚马逊内部能够了解事件的缘由,从根本上得到了理解和支持。虽然就事件本身来开,我们并不能看到亚马逊客服提到的在系统内对此事件做备注所起到的作用占多大比重,但联系亚马逊客服这一行动绝对是事件发生后的核心步骤;2. 事件发生后,卖家最快速度的通过邮件、电话等方式和顾客取得联系。和顾客的真诚沟通,也同样换得了顾客的理解,这也缓解了事态的恶化;3. 事件发生后,卖家在暂停发货的同时,向所有顾客发出了致歉贺卡,在贺卡中,卖家再一次向顾客致歉。在原本应该货物到达的时候,贺卡到达了,相信部分没有收到邮件和电话的顾客,在收到贺卡后,也同样会表示理解,再一次减少了可能出现的不良反馈;4. 事件发生后,我也曾给卖家建议,可以采取以较低的价格来促销一个低价产品,通过做大分母的方式来降低这些潜在不良订单在总订单量中的比例。虽然卖家基于对成本和实际操作难度的考虑,没有采取此方法,但此方法也完全可以作为我们面对类似事件的一个备选方案。不管怎么说,事件得以解决,危机得以化解,对于卖家来说,终归是一个比较理想的结果。吃一堑,长一智。而没有经历过此类事件的卖家,也不妨从这一课中学到点经验。




