
作者:admin  发表时间:2017-10-16  浏览:51  海淘动态

23 很多卖家因在邮件中使用不恰当语言与客户沟通,导致被亚马逊怀疑操纵评论,最终账号被封。这种违规方式,也会被平台看作是对买家/卖家信息系统的滥用,如果不解决这点,即使申述也无法把账号要回来。什么是买家/卖家信息系统滥用? 它包括向客户发送推销信息;或与平台其它卖家联系;用邮件轰炸买家;通过邮件试图向客户销售或追加销售产品;不适当地要求正面评价,逼迫留负面评价的客户。因操纵评论被关闭的账号,其卖家全都在发出的邮件中使用了不恰当言语。以下是卖家需要了解的: 1、如果产品通过促销或优惠券售出,不要要求评论2、不要向买家要求正面评论3、不要告诉买家写什么,给出评论模板,或不断骚扰,让他们写评论4、不要让留下正面卖家反馈的客户,再去写产品评价5、当客户希望你别再打扰,不要继续发邮件要求移除评论6、不要让家人或朋友写评论7、不要付费给博主或其它线下评论员来获取评论那么,如何安全地收集产品评价? 假如你的邮件是发给全款购买产品的客户,以下几种模板可以在遵循亚马逊要求的基础上收集评论。(1)以售后追踪服务的方式 ·If you have any questions about our product or if your experience with us was less than perfect in any way, please contact us immediately at [insert link] so we can make it right for you!·We hope you love your new [insert product name]! If you have any questions or if your experience was less than perfect in any way, please let us know so we can make it right [insert link].·Sometimes when a product is delivered by mail it gets damaged in shipping. Or maybe it’s not quite what you wanted. It may not fit right. You may have changed your mind. We understand and we are here to help! Click [here] for easy returns with Amazon or click [here] if you have a question. We want to make it right for you.(2)请求提供产品反馈 ·Please take a moment and share your experience with others! [insert link]We use customer feedback like yours to continuously improve our products. Other customers on Amazon rely on reviews to make informed decisions. Thanks for helping to make Amazon a better place to shop!·It has been a few days since your [insert product name] was delivered and we hope you are enjoying our product. As a small business, feedback from our customers means the world to us. We rely on people like you to let us know what we are doing right and where we could improve. Would you mind sharing your experience with others? [insert link] Thank you!卖家需要在不违反亚马逊规则的前提下,收集产品评论,以免账号被停。(编译/世界超市网 杨雪平)【福利】年终购物季近在咫尺,你的亚马逊爆款做好了吗,listing优化如何,站内引流及转化上去了吗?9月28-29日(厦门)VC商学院高级讲师Skyla重磅推出爆款专题课程,点击“爆单”解决旺季前的所有困难。




