
作者:admin  发表时间:2017-09-21  浏览:183  海淘动态

网友问:在法亚买了一个小白豆,结果漏墨超级严重,想退货,寄了邮件过去,然后它的回复如下:Dear Customer, I have well received your message that you want to return your item "Parker Duofold International Ivoire Stylo Plume Pointe Fine - Ecrin " because it leak ink severely. First of all, I would like, on behalf of the Customer Service Amazon.fr, to present our apologies for the inconvenience that was caused to you. I have forwarded your note to the relevant department for it to be taken into account and contributes to improving the services we offer and prevent such incidents in the future. Following your email, I would like to inform you that we are not able to provide prepaid return label outside of France. I request you to return this item and we will refund you your item as well as complete return shipping cost on the reception of your item at our return centre. 小编答:找客服要一个return lable粘在退回去的邮件上就行。然后把邮费单子给客服,他们收货后会连同运费一起退给你。先退货给法亚,然后把国际运费账单给法亚,然后法亚把商品的费用和国际运费都退给你。记得把你的账单打出来一并寄回去,如果没有打印机可以自付一张纸,上面写上你的订单号,email地址和退货原因,他们好退你运费和商品费。




